About Us


MS CREW SERVIÇOS MARÍTIMOS LTDA. entered the market with highly trained professionals offering cutting-edge services, using new management models to support naval sectors, offering to the clients, modern systems of consultancy, providing with agility its demand for Human Resources.

It is a company that specializes in working onshore and offshore, through outsourcing and consulting Crew and Staff for operation  in support boats, diving, seismic, coastal vessels and production area for naval industry as also,  oil and gas.

With the growth of the economy, mainly in the oil and shipbuilding industries arose the need to seek professional trained in the market, thus creating great rush to ads, with it , has been caused long queues in HR businesses and loss of time by recruiters.

We have a "DATABASE" with CVs of qualified candidates, previously selected, which are filed by category and features, that´s why we say that within the shortest time possible we can recruit the required professional.


To provide differentiated services designed to contribute to the continuous improvement of the productivity of our customers, respecting the person, the society and the environment.


To be the best company in our market segments, recognized by effectiveness and innovative solutions, through sustainable principles.


Customer Focus

  • Create excellent innovative solutions for our clients, listening carefully to their needs and exceeding their expectations.

Add value to the client

  • Manage the business to deliver superior returns to clients.
  • Achieve profitable growth.
  • More than delivering high quality services, we want to be recognized for it.
  • Top quality perceived by the customer.

Human Dimensions

  • Develop highly motivated and trained employees in our industry which can sustain the improvements needed to achieve corporate goals.
  • Develop the skills and qualifications of employees.
  • Our employees are our greatest asset.
  • We want to achieve competitive advantage through agility, quality and innovative behavior of our employees.
  • We want to be the preferred employer in our segment.

Ethical Standards

  • We act ethically as a good corporate citizen in every community where we operate.
  • We support the health of the environment and social progress.

Brand Values

  • The building of a strong brand is a tough and continuous challenge and it takes time to win.
  • The building of winning business and differentiated, day by day, in the main markets in which we operate: Consulting and outsourcing of labor.
  • We recognize and value the tradition of the brand, the loyalty of our customers and identification of our competence through the synergy of our employees.

Social Responsibility

  • In all actions, the Standard Group strives to be a socially responsible company.
  • For the Group, the corporate social responsibility is part of the management model, which encompasses the degree of transparency of relations between the different groups involved in the activities of the company.
  • Small actions bring great results when community participation expands horizons and makes you believe in a better world.
  • Being a socially responsible company, is to have the ability to listen to the interests of the different parties involved with the Standard Group - employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, community and government - and be able to incorporate them into the planning and execution of their daily activities.
Tel.: +55 21 2516-2721 / 2233-0829                     Rua Sacadura Cabral, 120 - Salas 1004 e 1005 - Saúde - Rio de Janeiro                         mscrew@mscrew.com.br

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